A Flagship Ministry of the University Church
Holly Shelden, WWVA STudent
Joselin Higgins, WWVA STudent
The tradition of Adventist secondary education in the Walla Walla valley began more than a century ago; all the way back in 1886. The then Milton Academy evolved into Walla Walla College Academy a few years later. The school we know and love as Walla Walla Valley Academy, or affectionately as WWVA ("wah-vuh") has called its current location home since 1964. Over its 130 year history, this life-changing ministry has impacted the lives of thousands of students and tens of thousands of family members around the world.
Joselin Higgins is a new student at WWVA this school year and travels in from Dayton, Wash. each day to attend classes. She says, "I love how they pray for you here; I feel a good support system around me." Holly Shelden, another WWVA student and percussionist in the band, attended home school before transferring. For her, Bible classes, with their vigorous conversations, depth of inquiry, and exploration of Christianity, are among her favorite aspects of being a WWVA student. "I love my teacher and great debates," she says.
Each year, the University Church's budget subsidizes WWVA with nearly $70,000. This figure does not include many additional funds given as scholarships to the Worthy Student Fund. Please take a moment and write an encouraging note on a Connect Card to a member of WWVA's faculty or staff, undoubtedly our partners in ministry.
For more than 20 years, Ben Gish has poured his heart and soul into students in the Walla Walla valley. As the director of several ensembles, and private instructor of many hundreds of students, he has shaped to a significant degree the tenor of music and worship in the valley. This is not to mention the incredible personal influence he has had on a myriad of people now working in their own fields. We couldn't be more proud of, or grateful for, his remarkable work in the name of Jesus.
Today at the University Church, we welcome the first of our at least biyearly visits by the Walla Walla Valley Academy Orchestra. Directed by Ben Gish, this group of musicians collectively represent hundreds of years of musical experience, and thousands of hours of practice.
Bulletin Quicklinks
We welcome the orchestra of Walla Walla Valley Academy under the direction of Benjamin Gish. It is always a special Sabbath when this talented group shares their music with us. Please join me in wishing them a warm Walla Walla welcome.
The prelude and offertory derive from two Concerto Grossi by Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713). In the prelude we hear movements two, three, and four of Concerto Grosso Op.6 No.10 in C Major, and in the offertory the last movement of Concerto Grosso Op.6 No.8 in G minor. Our postlude features the end of the St. Paul’s Suite by Gustav Holst (1874-1934), named for the London girl’s school where Holst served as music director from 1905-1934 and for whom he composed this delightful music.
As you prepare your heart to worship I invite you to meditate on the words of our hymns. Some of our closing hymn is given here:
Be Thou my vision,
O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me
Save that Thou art,
Thou my best thought,
By day or by night,
Waking or sleeping,
Thy presence my light.
-Kraig Scott
Sabbath's Question:
Why shouldn't I drink alcohol?
The University Church budget funds many important aspects of our local ministry. Although pastors' salaries are funded by donations marked "tithe", the University Church budget is what subsidizes our amazing K-12 school programs at Walla Walla Valley Academy and Rogers Adventist School. It also makes our worship services and broadcast ministry possible. Thank you for your generous and systematic support!
As always - we welcome your gifts made right here on our website. Click Here to Give!
Today's loose offering supports ministry at our local church. The following is a sample of how the budget is allocated:
New podcast with Pastors Alex, Jenn, and Kris called "Walla Walla". Check it out! Two episodes have already been published with more to come on a biweekly basis. Access more details at wallawallapodcast.com or search for "Walla Walla Podcast" on iTunes.
We need pies! Each year for the community Thanksgiving dinner, the University Church supplies 50 pies. If you are willing to help, please deliver yours to the church office before 10am on Tuesday, November 22.
The One project is coming February 24-27 to San Diego, Cal. This year, three events make up the weekend experience that is the One Project. Join Pastor Alex, Paddy, and the rest of the crew for one day, three, or all four. Find more information at the1project.org.
WWVA Orchestra is selling homemade apple pies, perfect for your upcoming holiday plans. We willbake and deliver if donated to the University Church for the Community Thanksgiving dinner. $12 each. Pick up at WWVA, Sunday, Nov 20 between 12:30 & 3pm. Call 509-386-8140 with any questions.
The University Church Office will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25.
50 Plus Club potluck and program at the Youth Center 5:00 PM, November 20, 2016. Come and enjoy musical selections prepared for you by the Walla Walla Valley Academy Praise Ringers and Singers, under the direction of Patti Short. Come and enjoy the music of the seasons.
Symposium on Spiritual Care at WWGH - Save the date for the 7th annual Spiritual Care Symposium at Walla Walla General Hospital. Philip Watkins, PhD, will speak on “Gratitude: An Essential Foundation for Spiritual Well-being” Friday, January 27, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the WWGH auditorium.
Camp MiVoden registration for the summer of 2017 is now open. Call 509.242.0506 or visit mivoden.com.
SonBridge Community Center in College Place seeks an Office Manager/Executive Assistant. This is a part-time and paid position. For more information see www.SonBridge.org/about. Send your resume and cover letter to search@sonbridge.org.
The Alaska and Washington chapter of Make-A-Wish® needs your help! They are seeking qualified Wish Granting Volunteers in Walla Walla. Make-A-Wish grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Wish Granting Volunteers must be at least 21 years old, and work in teams of two to help plan and fulfill each wish. Volunteers interview each child to determine their wish, then work with the staff to make the wish come true! The time commitment is flexible and variable depending upon what the child wishes for. Volunteers can expect to meet with the family one time at their home to identify the wish and get the paperwork filled out, conduct follow-up phone calls about logistics, and plan a wish presentation about a week in advance of the wish. All of these things can be scheduled based on the family’s and volunteers’ availability.
Please visit http://www.akwa.wish.org for more information about Make-A-Wish, and check out Caitlin’s wish to go to New York City! http://akwa.wish.org/wishes/wish-stories/wish-to-go/caitlin-nyc-wicked. Please email Volunteer Coordinator Chris Sullivan or Wish Coordinator Lauren Davies to begin the process of becoming a Wish Granting volunteer. chris@akwa.wish.org laurend@akwa.wish.org
Sabbath, November 19
4:16pm — Sunset
6:00pm — Adventist Singles Vespers, SonBridge
Sunday, November 20
12:30–3pm — Orchestra Pie Fundraiser, WWVA
5:00pm — 50 Plus Club Potluck, Youth Center
Tuesday, November 21
8–10am — Deliver pies for Community Dinner
No High Five youth group this week
Wednesday, November 22
No Pathfinders Club meeting this week
Thursday, November 24
University Church Offices Closed
Friday, November 25
University Church Offices Closed
4:12pm – Sunset
No WWU Vespers
Click Here for PDF version of this week's Bulletin -- Or go to our Bulletin archive page for past versions.